Friday, February 1, 2013

A Little Dab'll Do Ya

Definition of DABBLE

To work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary activity or interest <she dabbles in art>


I have always been accused of never sticking to anything. I try a little of this and a little of that and then get all shot in the butt about something else and take off for the next big project, leaving a trail of things half done in my wake. This trait made itself obvious when I was very young. I  bounced from jazz dance to soccer, clarinet lessons to clog dancing, gymnastics and karate to sewing and cross stitch. All that before the ripe ol' age of 12.  I am like the dog that sees the squirrel and totally forgets that she was having a great time chewing on a tennis ball. That said, I have also tried to create blogs before. One was called "Lose One Thing" where I attempted to reduce my household consumption by one thing per month. That lasted all of one week. I made the poor decision of taking paper towels out of my home the same weekend that a dear friend with three children was visiting. Chalk that up to bad timing. My second blog was "Kitsch My Grits" and I am still patting myself on the back for coming up with that clever title. It was dedicated to all things vintage. I still love the idea of it; however; I was too fenced in. Vintage is a huge part of my life but not the only part. I started thinking about it and TaDah...the new blog that you are now looking at. It is a free range idea, I am going to post about any and everything that pops into my brain. I can jump from shiny objects to new obsessions as much as I want and not feel the least bit guilty. Who knows where this will take me, if anywhere at all. All I know is that, while a dabbler, certain things have been a strong central theme through my life. I love to read and write, I love to hunt vintage goodies and resell them (okay, I was forced to resell because I was accused of being a hoarder), I like to be social, I looooove arts and crafts and lastly, and maybe most randomly, I love owls ( I mean I REALLY love owls). I think the blog will help as an outlet for the things I love and maybe, instead of a dabbler who can't stick to anything, I will become a Jill (or Kellie) of all trades. Dabblers unite!!

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